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Know how social media has transformed political campaigns


Know how social media has transformed political campaigns

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Know how social media has transformed political campaigns

Digital marketing is the way to go if your political campaign wants to reach Indian voters. India is home to one of the world's largest online populations, with over 1 billion users and growing. Now is the perfect time to create engaging online stories and establish deep connections with prospective voters in the era of social media domination. Ensure that your campaign sticks out and makes an impact on the varied and influential pool of Indian voters by utilizing the power of targeted digital strategies to increase both your reach and resonance.

Social media: A staple for politics

It is common to view the relationship between politics and the digital sphere as a significant shift. Most people believe that digital technology is a distinct, all-powerful force that is revolutionizing the world. However, this article makes a different argument. It suggests that we should take a closer look at the digital as a component of the existing social and technological framework. We can see that the digital is not distinct from society by considering it as something we can count, store, search, and share, as well as something that is interconnected with social practices.

The Indian political landscape saw a social media revolution that began with the 2014 general elections, which are recognized as the “First Social Media Election” in the country's history. Shashi Tharoor, a Congress MP and former UN Under-Secretary-General, was the only politician in India with a Twitter account prior to the 2009 general elections. The social media presence of all the major political parties was greatly increased prior to the 2014 elections.

In recent years, the use of digital marketing in political campaigns in India has increased significantly. Since the introduction of digital marketing, political campaigns in India have seen a significant shift in their advertising efforts. Politicians are now using digital platforms to reach a much larger audience than in the past, making campaigns both more effective and more affordable. Modern politics has been greatly transformed by technological advancements ranging from candidate-run websites to automated messaging and donation collection via online forms. Rather than relying solely on door-to-door campaigns or rallies to spread their message, politicians are now leveraging the power of social media, blogs, and email marketing to rapidly spread their message. 

Digital marketing is the way to go if your political campaign wants to reach Indian voters. India is home to one of the world's largest online populations, with over 1 billion users and growing. Additionally, with the increased use of social media, now is the ideal moment to begin interacting with prospective voters online.

Greater chances for fundraising

Facebook is still a powerful tool for political advertising and fundraising. The Facebook Ad Library makes it possible for anyone to view the cost of any given campaign. According to a recent report it was found that Congress candidates were leading in ad spending, while BJP Telangana emerged as the top spender on Facebook for advertisements. The report focuses on political, electoral, and social issue advertisements.

Parties have been spending a lot of money on Facebook ads, according to Facebook Ad Library. In the country, since February 2019, political figures and non-governmental organizations have invested 306 crore on social media and political pages, featuring roughly 20 lakh ads. 


According to research by Oxford University Press (OUP), up to 54% of Indians use social media to find accurate information. The campaign examined the degree of knowledge regarding the identification of truths and the validation of sources.

The study has demonstrated that social media users obtain the majority of their factually accurate information from platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, with levels of trust highest in emerging economies, despite doubts about its reliability and worries about misinformation and false claims. In recent years, the use of social media has increased in emerging and developing countries. The majority of adults think social media is crucial for keeping them informed about current events, including political news, and other global developments.

Many social media users believe that the information they get on these platforms is more up-to-date, informative, and focused on issues that are important to them than information they get from other sources. A large majority of social media users also report seeing articles and other content that introduces them to new ideas on a regular basis.

Are you ready to face the world of politics and social media?

Thoughtful posting and skilful response management are essential for a political social media campaign to succeed. Comprehending these facets enables politicians to foster backing and establish a feeling of community, which is essential for achieving political triumph.

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